Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee
Title Name Organization
President Joo-Hyoun Song The Catholic University of Korea
Vice President Young Yool Chung Kwangju Christian Hospital
Secretary-General Youngwook Lim The Catholic University of Korea
Past President Hong Gun Lee (1st), Byeong Hoon Ahn (2nd), Myung Sang Moon (3rd), Han Koo Lee (4th), Key Heung Choi (5th),
Key Yong Kim (6th), Byeong Mun Park (7th), Young Min Kim (8th), Chang Soo Kang (9th), Sung Man Rowe (10th),
Chang Ju Lee (11th), Myung Chul Yoo (12th), Il Yong Choi (13th), Sang Won Park (14th), Young Kyun Woo (15th),
Chang Dong Han (16th), Sung Kwan Hwang (17th), Myung Sik Park (18th), Won Yong Shon (19th), Jun Dong Chang (20th),
Joong-Myung Lee (21st), Kuen Tak Suh (22nd), Young Ho Kim (23rd), Yong Sik Kim (24th), Hee Joong Kim (25th),
Deuk Soo Hwang (26th), Soo Ho Lee (27th), Youn Soo Park (28th), Kyoung Ho Moon (29th), Sang Hong Lee (30th),
Kyung Hoi Koo (31st), Shin-Yoon Kim (32nd), Yoon Je Cho (33rd), Taek Rim Yoon (3th), Byung-Woo Min (35th),
Ye-Yeon Won (36th), Kee Haeng Lee (37th), Myung-Rae Cho (38th)
Audit Hyun Cheol Oh National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital
Ho Hyun Yun VHS Medical Center

Honorary Committee

Honorary Committee
Title Name Organization
Members Seok Hyun Kweon Wonkwang University
Soon Yong Kwon The Catholic University of Korea
Kwang Woo Nam Eulji University
Byung-Woo Min Keimyung University
Dong Hun Suh Korea University
Yerl Bo Sung Inje University
Hyunchul Shon Chungbuk National University
Kee Hyung Rhyu Kyung Hee University
Jeong Joon Yoo Seoul National University
Je-Hyun Yoo Hallym University
Kee Haeng Lee The Catholic University of Korea
Sang-Soo Lee Hallym University
Woo-Suk Lee Yonsei University
Gunil Im Dongguk University
Seung-Jae Lim Sungkyunkwan University
Young Soo Chun Kyung Hee University
Young-Yool Chung Kwangju Christian Hospital
Yong-Chan Ha Seoul Bumin Hospital
Seung Beom Han Korea University

Program & Scientific Committee

Program & Scientific Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Woo-Suk Lee Yonsei University
Vice Chairman Seung-Jae Lim Sungkyunkwan University
Members Suenghwan Jo Chosun University
Byung-Ho Yoon Ewha Womans University
Jung Mo Hwang Chungnam National University
Sun Jung Yoon Jeonbuk National University
Gyu Min Kong Inje University
Tae-Young Kim Konkuk University
Hyeon Jun Kim Dong-A University
Kwang Woo Nam Eulji University
Jae Hwi Nho Soonchunhyang University
Nam Hoon Moon Pusan National University
Jai Hyung Park Sungkyunkwan University
Jong Seok Park Soonchunhyang University
Seung-Hoon Baek Kyungpook National University
Hyun Cheol Oh National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital
Se-Won Lee The Catholic University of Korea
Seung Rim Yi National Police Hospital
Soong Joon Lee Seoul National University
Soo-Jae Yim Soonchunhyang University
Young-Ho Cho Daegu Fatima Hospital
Suk Kyu Choo Inje University
Dongsik Chae Catholic Kwandong University
Kye Young Han Insung Hospital
Jihyo Hwang Hallym University

Editorial Committee

Editorial Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Kee Hyung Rhyu Kyung Hee University
Vice Chairman Kyung-Jae Lee Keimyung University
Section Chief Editor (Fracture) Dong Hun Suh Korea University
Section Chief Editor (Arthroplasty) Jeong Joon Yoo Seoul National University
Section Chief Editor
(Hip Preservation)
Yong-Chan Ha Seoul Bumin Hospital
Members Young-Kyun Lee Seoul National University
Won Chul Shin Pusan National University
Seok Hyun Kweon Wonkwang University
Ki-Choul Kim Dankook University
Sang Min Kim Korea University
Yeesuk Kim Hanyang University
Kyung-Soon Park Chonnam National University
Kwan-Kyu Park Yonsei University
Jang-Won Park Ewha Womans University
Je-Hyun Yoo Hallym University
Hoe Jeong Chung Wonju Yonsei University

International Liaison Committee

International Liaison Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Yerl Bo Sung Inje University
Vice Chairman Dong Hun Suh Korea University
Members Jang Won Park Ewha Womans University
Gyu Min Kong Inje University
Seok Hyun Kweon Wonkwang University
Yeesuk Kim Hanyang University
Sin Hyung Park Soonchunhyang University
Jai Hyung Park Sungkyunkwan University
Woo-Lam Jo The Catholic University of Korea
Jihyo Hwang Hallym University

Public Relation Committee

Public Relation Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Young Soo Chun Kyung Hee University
Members Woo-Lam Jo The Catholic University of Korea
Jung-Teak Kim Ajou University
Dae-Kyung Kwak Hallym University
Yong Uk Kwon Inje University
Keong Hwan Kim Kangwon National University
Chang Hyun Kim Soonchunhyang University
Hyeung-June Kim Cheongju Hankook General Hospital
Jun-Ki Moon Chung-Ang University
Sin Hyung Park Soonchunhyang University
Suk Kyoon Song Daegu Catholic University
Keun Young Shin Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital
Jae Cheon Sim Sahmyook Medical Center
Jae Youn Yoon Dongguk University
Sun-Hyung Lee Ulsan University
Yong Chan Lee Wonkwang University
Hyun Uk Lee Soonchunhyang University
Jae-Young Lim Inje University
Hoe Jeong Chung Wonju Yonsei University
Dongsik Chae Catholic Kwandong University

Insurance Committee

Insurance Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Jeong Joon Yoo Seoul National University
Vice Chairman Je-Hyun Yoo Hallym University
Members Seong-Eun Byun CHA University
Seung-Chan Kim The Catholic University of Korea
Kwang-Kyoun Kim Konyang University
Ki-Choul Kim Dankook University
Seung Ju Kim Hanil General Hospital
Jae Hwi Nho Soonchunhyang University
Hyung Gon Ryu Seoul Medical Center
Kihong Park Seongnam Citizens Medical Center
Sun Jung Yoon Jeonbuk National University
Pil Whan Yoon Seoul Now Hospital
Bong Ju Lee Sun General Hospital
Tae Hun Lee Pohang St. Mary’s Hospital
Hwan-hee Lee The Catholic University of Korea
Young-Ho Cho Daegu Fatima Hospital
Kyu Tae Hwang Hanyang University

Bylaws Committee

Bylaws Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Kee Haeng Lee The Catholic University of Korea
Vice Chairman Youngwook Lim The Catholic University of Korea
Members Joo-Hyoun Song The Catholic University of Korea
Yerl Bo Sung Inje University
Jeong Joon Yoo Seoul National University
Sang-Soo Lee Hallym University
Woo-Suk Lee Yonsei University
Soo-Jae Yim Soonchunhyang University
Seung-Jae Lim Sungkyunkwan University
Young Soo Chun Kyung Hee University
Seung Beom Han Korea University

Compilation of Historical Materials Committee

Compilation of Historical Materials Committee
Title Name Organization
Chairman Byung-Woo Min Keimyung University
Vice Chairman Seung-Hoon Baek Kyungpook National University
Members Se-Won Lee The Catholic University of Korea
Han Suk Ko Yeongwol Medical Center
Yong Sik Kim The Catholic University of Korea
Weon-Yoo Kim Daejeon Sun General Hospital
Jun Shik Kim Seran General Hospital
Kyoung Ho Moon Gumdan Top General Hospital
Do-Hyun Moon Gachon University
Ick-Hwan Yang Seran General Hospital
Kang Sup Yoon Chung-Ang University HCS Namyangjoo Hyundae Hospital 
Hyung Ku Yoon Armed Forces Capital Hospital

Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee
Title Name
Members Joon-Soon Kang, Chang Soo Kang, Kyung-Hoi Koo, Shin-Yoon Kim, Young-Ho Kim, Young-Hoo Kim, Yong Sik Kim,
Jong Oh Kim, Hee Joong Kim , Kwon-Jae Roh, Kyoung Ho Moon, Myung-Sik Park, Sang Won Park, Youn-Soo Park,
Kuen Tak Suh, You Sung Suh, Doo-Hoon Sun, Won Yong Shon, Ick-Hwan Yang, Young-Kyun Woo, Myung Chul Yoo,
Kang Sup Yoon, Sang Hong Lee, Joong-Myung Lee, Jae-Suk Chang, Jun-Dong Chang, Yoon Je Cho, Il-Yong Choi,
Chang-Dong Han, Deuk Soo Hwang, Sung-Kwan Hwang